A black guy walks into a bar.
Bartender says,"We don't serve your kind."
Black guy says,"G'damn you, Rand Paul!"
Kentucky's latest Senatorial Republican Candidate Dr. Rand Paul's latest bullshit, avoid the direct question interview with Rachel Maddow is unbelievable in 2010. He is an advocate of all but one part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - business owner's choice of discrimination (race, color, creed, sexuality). But naturally, he compared walking into a bar being black with a firearm carrying patron about the same sorta deal.
Looks like a new equation can be created. Intelligent Design Believer's Danger Corollary "Baretta 9mm = Melanin."
Naturally, that's bullshit.
Assuming, Paul's ideas were to come into fruition. You'd walk into a bar with your black friend. Police officer would stop you.
"I'm sorry officer, I didn't realize I brought my concealed negro in with me. Yes, officer, I have gone through the negro safety course. Honestly, sir, I thought I left my negro locked under the bed."
I've never been afraid of getting hit by melanin. No one has, except George W. in Haiti (see: Bush wiping hand on Clinton.) Someone walking into a bar with a holster full of pigment hasn't put my life in danger. "Ah shit, I just got hit with Blackness!"
Fucked up? Yes.
There's a certain point in politics, rhetoric - personal or public, that needs to be addressed. It's an absolute travesty and irresponsible that anyone in the public eye to should advocate this ideology with supporters at his back.
Though, his stance wanting to repeal the American Disabilities Act is a great idea. I've been after their parking spots for year. If you're in a wheel chair, what's that extra distance when you're rolling down the parking lot anyway.
I was going to cite their selection of Rand Paul to justify my opinion of Kentucky as a completely backward state out of touch with reality, but then I remembered I already had that justification with John Calipari.
Ha! Nice.
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